Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Studio Project Agony

Some stuff retrived from the reference drive for folks who are too lazy to get it themselves in school:

Analyzing visual materials

Part 1 – Objective Observation
(people, objects, gender, age, clothing, facial expressions, posture)
(indoor / outdoor, urban/rural, time of day, time if year, background – objects)
(What activity / event is shown? What are people doing? Are they working in groups or alone? Relationship to each other?)
Other Clues
(What other details do you see in the photo? Examples: tools, vehicles, animals, buildings, signs. Is it a candid or posed photo?)
Is there a title? What information does it give you? Is there a caption? What information does it give you?

Part 2 - Subjective Observation

1. What conclusions can you draw from the people or objects in this photo/illustration?

2. What questions do you now have that are not answered in the photo/illustration?

Analyzing Written Documents
Document Type
___ Certificate ___ letter/note/email ___ article (newspaper, magazine)
___ post card ___ diary/journal ___ membership card
___ health report ___ agreement ___ other

Part 1 – Objective Observation
(person, group, or agency)
Date or time period
Clues about document
(handwritten or typed, official seal, pictures or symbols, added notations)

Part 2 - Subjective Observation

1.What do you consider to be the three most important pieces of information from this document?

2.Does this document tell you anything about the time period in which it was written?

3. What questions do you now have that can’t be answered in the document?
Working plan

06 Aug, Monday, Week 17

· Arrange to meet your Tutor-in-charge.
· Begin on your Location research and studies;
· Sketching and observation studies on hamster

13 Aug, Monday, Week 18

Continue from week 17:
Location research and studies; sketching & observation studies on hamster.

Week 18, should begin on your:

Development sketches on your concept ideas.
A minimum 10 thumbnails is required.
(More thumbnails are encouraged.)
Please provide good quality thumbnails, it is equally important.

15 Aug, Wednesday

By this date, you should begin working on your
6 colour tests (3”x4” each).

20 Aug, Monday, Week 19

Concept and colour test approval by Monday (20/08/2007), unless your tutor has assigned a different date for you.
Your Tutor will also probably grade you this week on your progression so far.
21 Aug, Tuesday

Week 19, you should start on your:
A4 Final black and white Values Drawing.
You should not take more than 2 days to complete this value drawing.
Final value drawing should base on your concept approve by your respective tutor.

23 Aug, Thursday

· After your A4 final value drawing, you can begin on your colour roughs.
· Colour roughs should be based on your approve colour tests.
· You should be working on your colour roughs and colour palette concurrently.

27 Aug, Monday, Week 20

· Your colour roughs should be completed by this date.

· You should begin you A4 final colour illustration by this date.

· Your Tutor will also probably grade you again this week on your progression so far.

Assessment Day
31 Aug, Friday

Other details

From your research and observation, exploration and development of ideas, you will be required to find a direction and work towards a final colour visual concept.
The final colour visual concept will be based on your designated location as a source; and the assigned animal as the only subject you are allowed to use in the designated location.
**No Human Character is allowed in this project!**


* Everything in horizontal/landscape layout*

Students will go to location but prior will collect information on the location based on:
-Historical Perspective
-Geographical Perspective
-Political Perspective
-Religious Perspective
-Ethical Perspective
-Critical Perspective

Complete personal analysis/ research of that location ->
be translated to a final visual opinion & a visual report of that experience ->
concept from the opinion-> a min of 10 thumbnail sketches based on the chosen concept.


-Research & Development: Students’ involvement in the development of research materials towards the final deliverable.
-Visual grammar i.e. technical aspect, composition, design, use of colour
-Visual Articulation of their intended message. (Consider your audience and their reaction when they view your work.)

Progressive works

-10 thumbnails and 3 color tests (3” x 4”).
-During this progressive stage you need to present a substantial amount of research materials, your ideas development, your thumbnails sketches, value studies & color tests in your sketch book.
-They have to be approved by your tutor-in-charge before you start with your Final work.
-You need to put in enough hours to earn this 20%. If you have put in very min. number of hours in your work, you will deserve only very min. percentage of points.
-Your tutor-in-charge will grade you progressively based on the amount of effort you have put in during this stage.

Final drawing

-will derive from your research drawing or thumbnails sketches and many, many value studies
-As soon as your tutor-in-charge has approved your concept, you will need to transfer your final concept into a A4 final drawing with the complete value studies.


-An A3-size portfolio consisting mainly student’s personal outstanding sketches or computer illustrations pertaining to the course are to be included in this portfolio.
-Execute professional layout planning when putting together a cohesive and impressive presentation for this part of the
-Presentation/Assessment date:
30th Aug and 31st Aug, 9:00am to 5:00pm (see posted schedule)
-Be there half and hour before your allocated time slot. Do not be late or absent for your presentation.

**There will not be any make-up session as the schedule is extremely tight.**


Late Submission are not entertained and an “F” will be the final grade.

-Compile your research, on site sketches, development sketches, thumbnails, colour test etc.
-At least 10 thumbnails exploring different composition/layout
-Also produce an A4 copy of your final Digital Colour Illustration in your journal.
-An A4 Final Drawing (b/w)
-3 sets of Colour Roughs (3” x 4” each) – e.g. Monochromatic, Analogous, Complementary / Split-complementary.
-Print & mount on foam board
-Print an A4 Digital Colour Illustration & mount on foam board. Your final Illustration must have your name, admin no, mentor group and title (optional) on the Bottom right corner. (Use only size 10 Arial font)

Admin No: 07XXXXX

Mentor Group: MDXXXX

Lab Sessions


Blk Q


Blk M


Blk M


Blk Q



Blk M


Blk Q

Agonising work. When are the holidays coming?!


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